Laura, Jasmin and Scarlett seem to think this show is all about them what with their posh frocks and high heels and of course Scarlett's out of control wigs !!! Who goes to the beach looking like they are going to a wedding wearing a posh frock and high heels? I'd love to see how they dress to go to a wedding if this is how they dress for house hunting!
These presenters need to learn how to say the Spanish names of the places which of course they could find out when they are doing their research. As one of the others mentioned it is so annoying to us that live in Spain !! Laziness on the presenters part.
You also need to inform prospective buyers of the hidden charges ie maintenance fees etc for whatever needs to be done in the way of upkeep of the property and complex.
I also just love the look on the face of the presenter when the buyers say "thanks but I think we will leave it !" - NO COMMISSION on that one then and it shows too especially as they are all over the buyers like a rash that do go ahead. Kerching!!!!!
I sometimes ask myself if I was a presenter would I want to spend my hard earned cash on something that I am trying very hard to convince the buyer is perfect for them? Honestly, I don't think in a million years that any of your presenters would buy or live in some of the properties !!!