absolutely outstanding. I was thrilled, captivated, as an art student, I felt connected to bhoot. best movie, best music, best cast, best-tilted shots, best makeup, best set. I LOVE this film. I just wanted to say I think the van needed more screentime, look out for it pls. also the colour red, super symbolic, keep an eye out. I will never get over the remarkable symbolism. lastly, I leave all viewers with one question, WHOS VAN WAS IT??????
1. very concise and condensed.
2. Characters are so thought out and provocative.
3. Sustainable film
4. Outstanding fits. best wardrobe.
5. the Van
6. Housekeeper is very cute. pls send her @
kindest regards, Lian, Sibel, Sofia, Jack, and nina xoxo, bhoot.