Coming from someone who absolutely loved the first two Jordan Peele “horror films” and enjoys extremely convoluted plots and twists this movie was an absolute clusterf*ck in every sense of the word.
As a horror movie - it just isn’t. I say this with absolutely no intent at sarcasm or exaggeration: you will get more jumps out of a run-of-the-mill Pixar movie. It’s just not scary, plain and simple.
What makes the rest of Peele’s films so d*mn scary is immersion. They lure you in by showing you this completely plausible world you can see yourself fit into and once you’re nice and comfortable he starts to pull the strings. This film is ridiculous and un-relatable from the very first scene and simply doesn’t have the same horror movie firepower of a star-studded cast and millions in special effects budget to exist and satisfy on those terms.
Boring scenes are too long and add nothing to the story, while eventful scenes are too short and leave too much to the imagination.
Character development is just downright strange. There’s no real meaningful interactions between any of the characters and everything feels extremely forced. It leads to a general feeling of “I don’t really know or relate enough to these individuals to care whether they live or die”.
There’s also this general feeling of a lack of motivation for virtually all the characters. At the end of the day the only real “motivation” as we the audience understand it is trying to capture some unique footage of this monster for fame and money which- is hard to root for. It doesn’t really make a ton of sense what they’re trying to accomplish.