Literally, the whole movie theater fell asleep. I heard hella people snore, I'm not joking. This is one of the movies that make me believe REMAKES ARE BAD. I'm telling you to just save your money and have a movie night at home watching the original. The original will have you awake for sure lmao. The original is 10x better. I honestly regret spending $5 dollars cuz I wouldn't even pay a penny. This is the type of movie I'll watch online. I think the movie was boring because the actors spend a lot of time in using explanation dialogue. The scary scenes you see in the trailer came at the end end of the movie. Like the last 20 minutes. The whole other hour of the movie was just them talking and feeling grief.
Spoiler !!!!!
The other scary and gross part was about the mother's sister. That scene happens in the beginning to middle. That's literally the only scary part. the sister kind of reminded me of overload zombies.