Not for me, the original Last of Us Part 1 is the only thing that is canon than its successor, because literally this teenage love showy looking narrative of a game has no emotion, no suspense whatsoever, characters are quite bland, the writing is poorly written, the ending is garbage, and killing our favorite character of this series was not just the beginning, but it also killed our love, support and respect for the company that made the game and playing it is just very uncomfortable, but for the gameplay, voice acting, crafting mechanics, graphics and the considerable amount of detail they have in this world space are truly remarkable and profound I can promise you that unlike the story, but take note of that my criticism has nothing to do with the LGBTQ+, race and gender, but rather, As far as we're concerned we only critique on the chemistry of those characters regardless of what they physically are, as well as on how they meticulously fit right in to the game, that's what fans like me are looking for, and what do we expect? a good story, gameplay, graphics, good voice acting and good characters, and now what's the result of this reality after its release? terrible characters and story, but at least gameplay, graphics, good voice acting are good, but overall this is still a terrible game, PERIOD!.