My friend Jacob and I both watched this moviefilms in the American states of both Viagra and East Carolina. I enjoyed this movie picture, so much so that we had to partake in the action! We are now both homiesexual. We have embraced the brown star as our own. If there was a way to travel to the planet Anus, we would do so instantly. By far and away, the greatest picture to hit cinemas since Borat (the first one). I only have one problem; it is too short and too old. Is anyone looking to do a remake? It would be the same script, just updated and better quality film. Maybe an extra scene. Who knows!? Anyway, I just ate a ham and cheese sandwich, thinking of my ex, I miss you Julia. With the wig, you cant even tell the difference, besides the noise of the vacuum. Would give 5 stars, but it made me feel like being gay was too good for me, I am not good enough to call myself homosexual. I wish I could, but I just feel like I would be disrespecting the good ole queer title. Hash Tag hangin' and bangin'.
- Heywood Jablowmi