After watching both seasons I can say I really like this show. When watching season 1 I was a tad frustrated with the lack of effort into putting realistic teen situations and realness on screen. It wasn't a very good demonstration of "teen girl-hood". I found it unrealistic because in reality no teenager uses the "slang" shown on screen. You could tell the first season was just a "guess" or an opinion from someone in an older generation of gen z teenager life. For the most part it was inaccurate. The second season changed my mind about the idea of the show it had the realness on screen which the first season lacked. It showed the reality of teen issues (depression, eating disorders, self harm). The 2nd season was gut wrenching. I cried more than a few times while watching, the acting was so good the actors/actresses are so talented. I feel more effort to display not even just teen struggles but things people struggle with in general was put into it. I've re-watched 3 times now!