Contains spoilers. First let me say I'm ranting hard because Thor used to be my favorite male hero in Ragnarok and each successive movie I went from disappointment, dislike and I didn't think it could go to loathing this character(not the actor). I'm also mad because there were so many elements added that had so much potential to be good. Meeting Zeus, how cool is that? Riding a Viking ship across space? Yes, please. But I cannot accept dumb heroes. At least Jane should have been the voice of reason. But she was worse than Thor. Everything was about Thor and his giant ego. Loving someone doesn't make you a hero. The villain( one of the only interesting characters in the film) loved better than Thor, what does that say about our hero? The dialogue was just the worst. It ruined the film. They went over the top with how silly and corny they took it and ruined any depth it could of had. Thor could of had emotions of course he does with all he has been through and obviously the toll it took, as we have seen. If my child was going to be babysit by Thor I'd slap him and say get the F away from my child. To me watching a child is not a good deed its reckless if your not capable of it. That is the bad uncle of any mothers nightmare. I'm wondering if they are going to kill him off so we can see Vallhalla. And they just didn't know what to do with the character. If that is the case I would of liked to care, but I couldn't care less. Maybe some like a flashy, shallow movie with corny lines, For me I'm here for the depth of good characters and character progression. Thor has had so much character degression. Its sad they ruined him. It almost made me never want to watch a Marvel movie again if this is who's writing it 😞Sorry such a bad review but so disappointed in the potential there that was missed. My husband also hated it but said they almost got the villain right but the ending was wrong. I couldn't believe how I could feel so numb while seeing so many pretty colors. It was a sad moment for me. I'm excited for Willow and I loved the mandolorian and boba fett but those are lucasfilm. I feel like its all Disney has going for it. Is Disney ruining Marvel? I don't like cheap entertainment and Disney has too much of that since Walt died. Quality over quantity please.