The TV show ( if that's what you want to call it) is degrading to these people. The extent of the show is too much. these people are already hurting inside, they don't need to be made public.
The professionals, don't no when to back off or to tone it down. for the love of God, these are people that are in need of help , but not this way. when I am watching it, it makes me sad & very upset To me, it looks like these doctors & the family are getting off on these people sorrow.
The one thing that really upsets me, is the homes that have pets. The people of this TV show now bloody well ,that it's going to be emotional for people to see & watch. They now that they are going to show pets that do not have Adequate care. why do we have to see the pain these pets are going through.
The TV people are so bad, for letting this happen on TV for everyone to watch. Do they call this entrainment, because if they do, they are the one's that have a disorder( seeing other people & animals pain & sorrow.
When are they going to realize, that it's completely wrong in every way. If they are going to keep showing these people , be decent & try to respect them in everyway. They say they respect them & want to help them, but really do they? Please think, of what you are doing & please stop showing the ones with pets, if you will not show this show.