It would be a little early to write a review as 4 more episodes are remaining to be aired. Not sure if they will conclude it in the same season or it would be like vagabond. There are many problems with the plot as such apartment/building will have a very high security where just anybody cannot enter. How did a drunk woman who was even blacklisted for entering be allowed in the building ? Nobody invited her, also the party was private, no security to stop her. On the other hand why would the girl who died want to deal with anyone in the building when she knows that she is stepping into a lion's den. How did the poor orphan girl ended up beating all those singers who took lessons for years together? The worst behaviour among all children was of bae ro na. She was so ungrateful to all the sacrifices her mother did. When they cleaned the whole statue, how did her shoes end up there which was clearly visible to all. To many unrealistic plots but overall it is very engaging. Some people compare it with skycstle. Sky castle was much more unrealistic. Why would teachers be obsessed over the mental condition of the students. That was coaching at some way different level. And that woman didn't stop there.