Haha It's a again petriotic story... Surya left his father due to anger but he wanted to become a soldier.. Surya killed a terrerist coz of his anger and saved Anver who is likely to become a terrorist but dint save Mustafa ( Anver's father) eventhough Mustafa fought in Kargil war even being a soldier.. Atleast Director could have showed that surya tried to save a soldier by taking him to hospital but he could not coz bullet is fired into his heart ( left side) it's just a bloody story wants to make money.. Keep a well known hero in the movie and you can prove everything you want just like that.. Always these kind of people want to keep us in confusion and earn money.. please don't use soldiers to prove your stories or make money.. soldiers are real and that's why you make these kind of films.. please don't use soldiers to make money..