I bought the game the first day it came out and I thought it was great. I am a die hard Star Wars fan loved the first 3 battlefronts that were made. Now though, with all the different factions and changes they made I can’t even force myself to reinstall the game. It’s so easy to earn points for hero’s that in some matches you’ll have players running around as them in the first three minutes. This chains to them just slaughtering your team over and over so many times that you don’t even have a chance to fight back. This being even that I’m an above average player. So even though I love Star Wars I’m won’t reinstall until some changes are made. I know a lot of players complained about the point system benefitting better players when hero were 7,500 points instead of 3,500 but changing it just made things worse. Overall the game well designed but some tweaks need to be made for leveling the playing field.