First of ALL: I am not surprised it is banned in Australia and the UK!!!
It is one of those sorts of movies you watch out of pure curiosity. It was definitely very sick and gory. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but I mean, the whole point of it is supposed to be horrible, and it succeeded on that note. It was bad enough (Disgusting enough) that I cringed in more parts than others (I have seen A Serbian Film). It is a different type of sick movie compared to "A Serbian Film" for instance. If you are into normal horror, do not watch any of the Human Centipede movies or even "A Serbian Film" (A Serbian Film is defs more horrid and I don't recommend anyone to watch it.) for that matter, because these movies should have their own genre of [Extremely Sick Horror]. I think I am going to leave a duration of time until I watch the next Human centipede movie because it is a bit draining to watch in some ways. Wasn't happy with the ending of this film, it was a dumb ending.