Speechless about this....The story of Arjun and Rupali which turned their friendship into an unconditional love....
I was really imagining this story as real...
And there were many impressive lines like "When rupali said Arjun my dream is to live the rest of my life with you and Arjun got shocked as he was unable to express his feelings towards her" and when Rupali asked Arjun "I want to see the aircrafts taking off and landing. Will you take me there with her innocence he replied I would love to do that"...But seriously it's very ashamed when in the novel itself is shown that standing against injustice sometimes turn to own loss. That's what happened with rupali... A beautiful soul of purity, determination and dedication towards her love achievements turned into her own death... But at the end couldn't hold the tears when her love "Arjun" saw her for the first time planting in the college lawn gets that tulsi sapling and plant it in his own garden which reminds him of his love "Rupali".