When you look at the 2k series and even MLB the show you really realize how far behind madden has been. Madden 12 and 08 are the last good maddens. I like the super star abilities but people In the franchise community have been shafted for far too long. At this point my next purchase will be when 2k makes a football game. 2k’s versión of franchise mode is so in-depth down madden sucks because players don’t improve over time unless they are a user team. The draft classes are always horrible there is no scouting, nothing! I’ve waisted 60 dollars every year just to basically get told to go F*** myself because madden an E basically just copy and paste the previous product with very minor tweaks. Not this year madden and EA I will not buy madden 21 nor will I buy another madden game until franchise is made a priority once again.