i love this show. wouldn't it be great to have a president Like Tom Kirkman. a president that really cares about the people and ran the country that way. America would be great again. but that's not reality, that's not how the candidates feel, they are just in it for the power and the money, and we as the people should not allow those kind of people in the office..maybe someday the people will wake up and realize that the people have the power if they all stick together not the government. but this show allows us to dream of what could be, and lets us escape reality for just a bit. that's why i love this show..i sure wish they could do more seasons. and Kiefer Sutherland is an amazing actor and did an awesome job. thank you to Mr Sutherland and the whole cast for making it look so real and allowing us to fantasize that this could happen someday. it gave me hours of enjoyment.