Not against a female doctor. I am against how she is presented. The show is just full of SJW, male hate and PC propaganda that it is just sick to watch. Here is how you write a female doctor: 1. Don't ruin the reveal by basically dropping hints she is going to be female, like a gay companion, timelord white male becoming time lord black female, making the master a woman. It's so obvious they are making the doctor a female it ruins it. 2. Stop the PC/SJW stuff. Don't let it be about gender and make it about how she saves people. Make her badass, no jokes or making it super serious type of doctor would be better. I envision a female doctor that is different from the rest because of how dark and serious she is. 3. Cast the right actress. Jodie is not the doctor. Her take on it is basically 40% David, 40% Matt and 20% 12th. No personality.