I have lost all respect and interest for this show. Season two, and again, they do not let us know where these people are. Then the girl who killed the Asian boy's father and her own brother has been let lose to run and rome free through the town. Yet no one's worried that they may be next for her to kill. This show is just giving extremely racist. Also, there is not one black, attractive young woman and many bland yt girls. Just blk men, yt men and yt girls. The main characters are close to death but never die. They just put them close to death. So predictable it the same race bate story yt ppl have been displaying since always killing the blk guy or blk ppl first. The yt ppl are not gonna die. Also they have not shown one (They find attractive yt girl die this entire show. They've shown a plus size yt woman die an asian man and extras we never really get to see in the show. The one secen that did have a younger yt girl die. She did not die the same ways as the other. A horrific torture. She simply just got hit in the head and they did not show her did. They made her death seem very sad. Also the little yt boy who was almost killed by the yt girl murder they letting rome free. The do not mention the ppl she has already killed. They only mention the little boy and how he almonst got killed. Completely ignoring the asian man and plus size yt woman that were killed. The same-storey we've heard and seen a 1000 times. Racist narrative.