The tale of what happens to Obi Wan Kenobi on Tatooine is a story fans have long wanted to see portrayed on screen. I really came into this series wanting to like it. I was able to overlook many of its flaws, but one by one, they continued to pile up past my limit. Unfortunately, the final product winds up being nothing more than the next in line of Disney marketing ploys. You will, in fact, not be seeing the story of Obi Wan on Tatooine, as he leaves his primary mission in the first episode. From there, we watch the story of Reva, an unknown, underdeveloped Inquisitor, hunt him down across the galaxy as he bumbles around from one place to the next, always being guided by the actions of other characters, with no clear decision-making process of his own. The action sequences rival some of the worst we've seen in Star Wars, the costuming is cheap and Earthlike, there is an unusual lack of alien species on any given environment, the dialogue contains droning, clunky monologues, and the motivations of beloved characters contradict what we've seen them work towards in the past, shining them in a light of nostalgia and clickbait rather than consistent, pinnacle pieces of the story.
The sheer number of interviews, articles, official social media posts, trailer drops, Star Wars celebration live streams, and so much more marketing from the Disney team has drowned out most negative criticism in favor of covering up questionable creative decisions with sponsored online content, constantly pushing the same message against the fans and never actually addressing what a large portion of their own audience has to say.
Between the subpar level of production, unequipped writing team, and blatantly overloaded media response, I'm very unimpressed with how the Kenobi show is turning out. With so much source material to pull from, this is far from the best version of this story out there. I'd recommend earlier books on the topic if you want to get your fill of quality Obi Wan content.