I've been playing the Battlefield franchise since Bad Company 2 and BF2042 is by far the worst optimized, buggy, and complete rushed mess then BF3, BF4, BF1, and BF5.
What I like:
-portal is really the only thing keeping this game from going under. Being able to play the nostalgic titles like Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 that actually have a decent player base is rather fun.
-being able to swap attachments in game is extremely helpful and saves a lot of time (Although its a bit buggy).
What I don't like:
-Maps are way too big and aren't really that well layed out. You spend nearly three minutes walking to where the battle even is. There isn't much cover either so your likely to get rolled by a vehicle.
-Breakthrough is a freaking mess... Its very unbalanced. Some of the objective locations make it nearly impossible for attackers to even capture (like on top of a building). Attackers get a lot more vehicles then defenders. It feels like all you do while defending is just dodge vehicles. Not to mention all the bugs. Sometimes the round just doesn't end and your stuck with the horrible end music and can't even backout without killing the game. Sometimes when a new match starts you can't even spawn in.... So you have to leave and rejoin.
- When a round is over, you have to manually search for another server and end up joining one where its nearly finished.
- no medic proximity... You have no idea if your wasting time waiting for one.
- Very poorly optimized. I have a 2070 super and 7700k running at 1080p and get horrible fps. The game stutters more than my 1982 Lawnboy push mower. Hit registration is terrible. Vehicles have way too much health. You can drive hovercrafts onto top of buildings.
-Specialists are cool, but being able to have any type of load out besides their gadget also make it very unbalanced. There will be 50 people with rocket launchers at times... RIP us aircraft enthusiasts.
I could keep going on.... The game has very good potential but needs a ton of work. I wouldn't wasting your money right now. I recommend waiting a couple of months or even till next year when dice begins to roll out significant patches.