Today i saw a old episode of this play in which all the husband share something with our other friends to their wife and promise that this is a secret you will not share with anyone, but as everybody knows and ever said that women cannot hide anything in their stomach, and same thing came up all the ladies share the secrets with each other, when all the gents oppose and ask them that why did you do so, at same time Bubu ji comes and give a speech to all mens and scolded them that , you have done wrong, you should not take a examination of your wife, औरत एक बेटी होती है, बहन होती है, मा होती है, ओर आदमी कुछ नहीं होता वाह भी एक बेटा होता है, भाई होता है, बाप होता है जो अपनी सरी जिन्दगी अपने पारिवार को खुश रखने के लिए न जाने कितनी परेशानी झेलता है ओर आप सिर्फ़ औरतो को महान् बना दिया, क्या यह सरी औरतें वस्तविक जीवन में ऐसी हि हैं?