Worst serial Josh character is just worthless loose character and he has no backbone and he cheated continuously Sabnam. Sabnam character should be more strong and be independent and showing Josh and rohini and Josh's family also. Sabnam character should be just like go better and and became a successful doctor not only in India it should be whole world and without any help from Josh and his family. Then she can give a great ans specially josh and rohini and also his family. Now the serial going very worst rohini constantly telling lie to shabnam and create chaos and confusion the Josh & shabnam relationship. When Josh and shabnam understand that all those are lies that rohini told her. Josh mother also support with roshni. Please do as early as possible patch up with shabnam and Josh and catch up rohini with all her lies and throughout of their life. Now Josh character totally just vogus. He seriously just spineless person. Whoever comes close to Josh and Josh misunderstood that person and whoever away from him he just believe that person. Here now Josh misunderstood shabnam and believe in rohini. Please show that Josh should be believe in shabnam and not in rohini