If you have not yet seen this movie then go buy it right now instead of reading this. Also I have a lot of bias for this movie as you will see in my review.
This movie is action packed goodness. The movie introduces new characters like Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo Ren, etc that are all interesting new characters. Rey is a scavenger who lives alone and her parents abandoned her at a young age so she counts the days until her parents return. Finn is a stormtrooper that left the First Order (the new empire for this trilogy) and tries to run away but grows a relationship with Rey and ends up fighting to save her. Poe is a pilot that is said to be the best in the Resistance (The new rebels) and we even have a sequence showing this off, destroying a bunch of tie fighters. Kylo Ren is the new Vader literally, he worships Vader and tries to "finish what he started". The movie also brings back older characters being Han, Chewbacca, Leia, C3PO, R2D2 and Luke. The acting in this movie is also great, Adam Driver nailed Kylo Ren, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher returned and they were great as always. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac are great as their characters as well. The story is about how Luke is missing and there is a map to Luke that the Resistance and First Order are trying to get. This movie is shot beautifully, Takodana, and Starkiller Base just look gorgeous to look at. The special effects in this movie is probably one of my favorite parts of this movie, I just love the scene where Rey and Kylo are dueling on Starkiller Base and it's dark out so the lightsabers are bright and the steam coming off the lightsabers from the snow is just so visually pleasing to watch. One of the best and saddest scenes in the movie is the scene where Kylo Ren kills his father being Han Solo which was so well done from the acting to the lighting of the scene. The music as always is great, as I'm writing this Kylo Ren's theme is stuck in my head. A major complaint for this movie is that it's too similar to A New Hope. I do not think that JJ Abrams was trying to copy A New Hope, I just think he is trying to pay homage to the original trilogy like he did with The Rise of Skywalker. Even with the movie being similar JJ put his own twist on the scenes for example the Death Star is a space station that can blow up planets but Starkiller Base is a planet with a big cannon put into the planet that uses the power of the sun to destroy a system of planets. Another complaint is that Rey is a Mary Sue for beating Kylo Ren and flying the Millennium Falcon. In my opinion this is completely wrong as we see Kylo is at a clear disadvantage in the fight because he is injured, has conflict in his head making it hard for him to focus, he's more trying too see what she is capable of and turn her to the dark side then trying to kill her, he's a bit scared from when Rey saw what he was scared of, and Rey using the force did not help Kylo at all. As for the flying she says in the movie "I've flown ships before but I've never left the planet." My overall opinion is that this is a fantastic movie with the only problem I have with it is that it played it too safe.