As a true montanan (born, raised, never left!) I feel almost obligated to stand up for this show. Just like anywhere in the United States, things like this can happen. However, it really does bring to light one of the darkest acts on humanity. Human trafficking.... so many people think this is “fiction” like it can’t happen, well sorry to burst your bubble. The truth is, it happens way more than anyone ever could imagine. With over half our state rural, and reservations, it’s quite easy to evade law enforcement. Truck stops are prime hub for such a thing though not all truckers take part. Most know about it though. So before going down the “this is all fiction” road think about that.
The next thing is, yes, there are some pretty corrupt officers, but it’s rare. Most Smaller towns are known for having some political corruption somewhere. It’s a fact. Now most of them are way smarter about their grievous acts because they know what is needed to cover it up. But it happens.
Great show. I’m wanting another season!