Ok I came late to this party. But me and my 12 year old got into watching Netflix while we eat since this whole pandemic started. We were running out of suitable shows when we saw the trailer and thought we’d give it a shot. And I am so glad we did!
You can guess by other reviews or trailers about the plot, so I am not going into that here, but the old ‘mutants among us’ trope is delivered in an endearing and often brutal manner. When I say brutal, the violence on screen is minimal and good old fashioned brawling. But the ‘implied violence’ that happens off screen is delivered with such finesse, you don’t need to see what’s happening (spoiler free example: head shot with a bear trap or the sinister whistling of a bone saw... you get the picture.)
I would recommend you could watch this with older children - there is minor bad language but not excessive and there are some emotional and mild terror scenes - but all for the sake of telling an endearing adventure tale. And the cliff hanger of the final episode bucks the trend of bigger network shows too; it actually sets it up for you to WANT to see what happens next season (instead of needing to wait a year to find out who died **looking at you TWD**)
Give it a watch, you’ll know after one episode whether it’s for you or not. I can say with absolute honesty, Sweet Tooth is one of the better Netflix Originals out there and I can’t wait for season 2 already.