I don't understand why this script was pruduced as is. What mom takes a personal Christmas tree away from a kid who boght it with his allowance & clearly spent time & his own money decorating it & has declared himself old enough to decide what he believes in? Even the decorations don't make sense why are there 3 stockings? Why a barbie for a boy? I'm cool with it if that's what he wanted but its in a 3rd stocking so??? Why wouldn't we all know if Santa had a deathly allergy to peanuts & cats? I
The #1 complaint is Santa must hurry & deliver all the gifts because if he doesn't kids will riot in the streets, & chaos will reign illustrated by a globe on fire! Not because he cares about the children & wants them tobe happy or to convey a message of goodwill to all. Just because something is low budget doesn't mean it can't be good. It isn't th