In all honesty, one of the best games I've ever played. It's extremely immersive and gives you the sense of achievment with the smallest things as if you genuinely were stuck on the planet. With hard work you can make the planet feel like home however, step out the safety of the shallows and you're swiftly reminded how small and vunerable you are.
Great because you can play at your own speed and have to search and use your initiative and think about where your next lead could be instead of it being served to you on a plate like every other game.
Really refreshing, completely different experience not only to survival genre but, games in general. No multiplayer focus, just attention to detail and immersing the player.
Fantastic game, I got it free off Epic, having played it and not even finished yet, I would pay £50 easily. Well worth the money.
Edit: Finished the game a few weeks ago. Can't put into words how good this game is, never experienced the sense of achievment subnautica gave with a game. I was acutally really reluctant to leave. The story you follow isn't that of the characters you play, instead, it is your own. You create your own story through your own thinking, experiences, hard work and shire determination hence, in the end it all feels so personal and just fantastic. I cannot put it into words. If you haven't played Subnautica. Play it. Sets new boundaries for gaming. Unforgettable game, can't wait to play below zero, bought it yesterday.