Good game but the Joel in one made a lot of people upset but the graphics omg amazing great job the new infected cool sad that this disease is real. In real life anyways! If the creators developers or who ever see this maybe you can make up for it in the 3rd one where a lot of people want and myself if ya want to that is! Anyways maybe a hybrid or new infected like a mushroom like on the head? Or like a flower the sprays spores when in danger m from the flower in its head or Ellie meets someone who Is infected but the brain was never effected by the cordiceps! Like other games npcs were nice but Were infected Or the baby explores the funga world as a adult? You guys can make up for a lot of stuff. Pls make a 3rd one to redeem the last of us 2 pls! Well if ya all want to that is!
And I’m sorry the voice actor of Abby is getting death threats no one deserves that she did nothing wrong I know I’m just a random person but I’m sorry for the death threats you have gotten ms or mrs Abby voice actor anyways pls make a 3rd one if ya want to that is and play the 2nd one if ya want to but prepare For the hate of a character that peeps loved but the graphics awsome the steath kills scary..... scenes oki! Like a movie! New infected! Enjoy the game! Don’t go nuts with rage!