I started reading this book a few days ago, and after a long time I found a book, I was eager to finish. I have become a laid back reader. There just isn't enough time anymore, hence there are a lot of unread and half read books on my shelf. But this book, kept me on the hook.
The description of the characters were so vivid, that I had tears in my eyes, at the difficult turns. After a long time, a book made me cry ( much to my husband's amusement).
Several times, while reading, I could not bear to go on. Yes that happens with me at times. Last time I remember, it was while reading 'And the mountains echoed', when Parwana leaves Masooma in the middle of no where. I felt a similar heartbreak when Anjali got hurt.
The thing about this book is, even though it's a work of fiction, you feel the pain of the characters and you can connect with their reactions and emotions. Yes, the ending was definitely not what I wanted it to be, but it was way more realistic than I anticipated.
Highly recommend for anyone who wants to spend the next few days ( or hours If you can manage continuous reading), tethered to your seat, unwilling to leave the book aside.