Very well done period piece with joy and fury, about undereducated, sheltered aristocratic British women/teenagers in the 30's. Am in the first episode, and it has been lively. I am discomfited in a big way though (really enough to dock two stars,not just one) by the casting of the two main characters- various issues, but I'll stick with then 30ish and 37ish years old women playing 16+ year olds, in this first episode. Maybe the distancing created for the viewer by their mature control makes it easier to look at their difficult lives, but more real teenaged actors would be more heart-wrenching. The whole thing is a little arch is a great way so I can see the choice. I see they age in coming episodes so it may read differently. Isn't really the impression I previously had of the extraordinary Mitfords, didn't know it was supposed to be them.