adam relly opens his mind u to the reader and lets yout thoughtatson and off he will give you much to think about yourself and others. i willl not say it is a p;easant journey,but it is ione that evertone should benefit yours!.billy b.mine started with a fairly major sroke which has ciused my left hand o becomeparalyzed,also some of the scars on adams leg from a serious accident,mathch some on my headmatbe i will end up with a scar brouthermy care giver and i will for sure be guestsat Kriver this summer,am looking at a new harley police bike eand thinking of trying to find a dealer that ewill install tEFM AOTO CLUTHPRIIOR TO ME YTAKING RTHEIR DRIVING COURSE.LOTS TO THINK ABOUT,TOOO MANY HEAD GAMES GOING ON.LOVEDMY 350 HONDA MANY TEARS AGO,SUMMER NIGHTS CAN'T BE BEAT,EXCEPT THE JUNRE BUGS DO HURT WHEN THEY HIT YOU IN THE FACE! IT MAY BE MYTIME TO LET THE BIG DOGSEE THE COUNTRY.MY CREGIVER ALSO HAS TWO MALES TAT COUL LOOK JISK JLIKE SCOOTER!IF WE DO SOLDIFY PLANS FOR K RIVER,THEY FOR SURE WILL BE WITH SO YOU SCOOTER AN ASHLEY G CAN CONDUCT INTERVIEWSADD DECIDE IF MELIOUS OR MUGLECOULD BEA GOOD DAD!LOOKING FORWARD TO SOME GREAT NIGHT CONVERSTATIONSOVER A BIT OFSWHICH I EWILL SUPPLY AND SHARSE SAILOR WITH WHOEVERMAY BE AROUNDJERRYYOU HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB ON THE ROAD PART,WE MAY HANVE SOME GOOD THOUGHTS ON THE MIND PART IN THE BACK OOF SOMEMIE, RIDE FOR THE MIND!UDDLED BRAINS.IE,RIDE FOR THE BRAIN!LOGO ,REAPER WITH LIGHTING BOLTS COMING FROM BONE HANDS INTOALINEDRAWING OF A BRAINGOOGLE C130 'SPOOKY.DON'T THINK COPYRIGHT WOUD BE A PROBLEM WHEN THE CREARTOR KNOEWS THWE REASON BEHIND THE USE,.