First off let me say I love Star Wars Battlefront II, I sunk 16 days into the game and I was completely addicted over the quarantine. So when I saw that EA was making Star Wars Squadrons I was super happy to have more Star Wars content. This game did not live up to the hype.
The campaign is very good and I beat it on launch day, so if you only care about the campaign, I definitely recommend.
The multiplayer is terrible. I found myself drifting more towards the campaign than the multiplayer and I’ve never been a campaign person I’ve always played multiplayer before the campaign. The multiplayer is basically you getting hit and flying in circles waiting for your abilities to recharge hoping the other guy doesn’t get lucky and get an angle on you. If you die in multiplayer you’re most likely gonna spend 15-25 seconds flying all the way back over to the fight only to die again because the other team can prepare for that. I’m only giving it two stars for the campaign, but the multiplayer is one of the worst multiplayer experiences I have ever had.