This is a movie that every American should see. It's ironic that an immigrant should so profoundly perceive and succinctly describe the present dichotomy facing this nation today, while most Americans are obscenely ignorant of the history revealed in this movie. This dichotomy concerns the right who believe in and want to preserve the Judeo-Chrisitan values that America and it's constitution are founded upon and the left who, for the most part, are religious universalists, eastern religion worshipers, agnostics or atheists and want to slowly and surreptitiously deprive the citizens of their individual rights. Everyone else is left in the center trying to figure things out. This movie will help them. The crux of this movie is our present educational system has reached a national security level. Students are not just being indoctrinated with leftist lies and propaganda, they're being drowned in it while being deprived of learning actual history, placed and observed in its proper context.