Let me start by saying I absolutely loved this movie, BUT it is not for everyone. There is no real story except the lives of the characters. You slowly start to see who they are and how they are perceived by their peers in the industry. Brad Pitts character is just a 8/8 mate badass and the way he moves through each tense scene is really when you are put on the edge of your seat. You need to give the movie its time though, be patient with the scene, and really get into the characters' heads. Otherwise, your left with a dull/boring plot/movie. This movie shines in the "5 to 5 minute" entertainment segments. It's basically just a complication of "best scenes" from the actors. The way DiCaprio plays his character and then acts in film roles as his character would act in them, messing up lines from being too hungover, getting back into character after said mess up is truly a work of art. I feel like the people that gave the movie a low rating were not captivated by these aspects.