Babylon 5 was one of the greatest shows of all time, thanks to it's unique story book format for television. It was interesting to see that Deep Space Nine was lost in it's early seasons, but adapted Babylon 5's story telling format with the Dominion War which saved that series.
One of the biggest downfalls of Babylon 5 was Warner Bros. Warner Bros. never properly promoted the series like Paramount did/does with the different Star Trek series. Even today, there are alot of people who have never heard of Babylon 5. I know that there were a lot of people who I used to work with who liked science fiction, but never heard of Babylon 5. When I introduced it to them, they were quickly hooked onto the series and loved it.
Even the Babylon 5 DVD's are a rediculously low quality, because they were done from VHS quality sources and not the original sources.
Had Warner Bros. treated Babylon 5 with the same quality and respect that Paramount treats Star Trek, there would likely have been several successful Motion Pictures based on the Baylon 5 universe by now. Warner Bros clearly had/has no vision when it comes to a series like Babylon 5.
Even TNT had a limited vision. Yes they were instrumental in giving us the 5th season of the series. However, they were routinely interfering with JMS when it came to the Crusade series. My favouite interview with JMS was when he indicated that TNT wanted Crusade to be "Baywatch meets wrestling in space". So he himself pulled the plug on Crusade.