I am deeply concerned for the people on the land during this terrible drought. I am absolutely convinced that people living in the cities have no idea of how very difficult it is on the land during this time. I cannot understand how the governments can be soooo disregarding of the plight of the people.
I would like to offer a suggestion - all the people on the dole are receiving money from the government for sitting doing absolutely nothing. WHY can't they be sent to help Farmers who cannot afford to pay Workers as their backs are to the wall and they are struggling to keep their families and homes as well as running a farm. On Wednesday night Barry stated he was unable to pay his Workers so he had to let them go and his Wife now helps him with the milking. They have 2 little children, the little boy got caught in machinery and now they have the added expense of Specialists etc to make sure he has not suffered any permanent damage. These children should not have to be anywhere near the milking sheds, they should be at home with their Mother - who is working to help her Husband. WHY can't those who are receiving money from the government give help to these people who are doing their very best to keep us supplied in food and milk. SURELY THEIR MUST BE A WAY TO HELP THEM AND MANY MANY MORE IN THE SAME POSITION. WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN OUR FARMERS AND FOOD GROWERS ARE NO LONGER ON THEIR PROPERTIES.????????????? PLEASE HELP THEM NOW.