Not for me. I was hoping for He-Man, Skeletor, She-Ra, but they’re not in it. No, “I have the power!” (Except in the first part of episode one). It’s all about Teela. And I’m not fond of her personality. Too gritty for the setting. Just not a likable character. Which is a shame because I like Michelle Geller.
But it’s wonderfully made, great action and art. Just not for me. Evilynn is really good, voiced by Lena Headley. Prefect casting, I think.
But not for me. 😢
The attempted grittiness doesn’t mix well with the ever cartoony Orko floating nearby. They tried to make him a little more serious, but that’s like trying to do the same with Bat-Mite. It’s a simple, simple character and you can’t really stretch it too far.
I didn’t know it was about side-kicks. It’s like having a Superman movie that features only Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.
It’s still well made, but bad choices and poor characters—except for Evilynn. Teela is a grim and gritty mercenary and hates magic.
It seems to me like the creators can’t seem to decide on how to do Orko (he is part of the cast). How can you really pull off Orko in a gritty setting?
And there’s only about 7 episodes, I think, so maybe they’re just testing the waters.
The first episode served to trick you into watching the series, then, by the second episode, they pull the rug out from under you.