The author uses the word 'Paragon' a lot, to the point it is genuinely irritating. Basically this book feels like a paraphrasing exercise of research and statistical analysis where the objective was to organize the author's thoughts into a cohesive picture of challenges of Small Business, namely financing, culture and innovation.
The author mentions his credentials at the beginning of the book to back up his ability to think through complex questions and problems but it is difficult to take him seriously when such a small percentage of the book is actually his own creation in Section 1. A roadmap is supposed to help guide you to a destination, but if you can't get past the initial 30 pages in order to read the actual map, it is difficult to obtain the wisdom that is contained within Section 2 (and even then, that is also a difficult endeavor).
Section 2 definitely reads better, but continues to creates friction with the reader as most of the un-referenced (i.e. new) content is written as a matter of fact and lacks anecdotal or personal connection with the reader.