My review on this movie is not high, The first 5 mins or hour of this movie I thought it was actually going to be a pretty good film. Of coarse some parts may be hockey and the the CGI would be a total nightmare! But the first feu seen's showed me a potential, at least it was funny; I liked the seen where the treo of protagonists go to a sight where they think King Tut is and hire illegally a bunch of people to dig it and finally found out they dident have weren't gana pay the guys booked it and ran off, That seen was very funny!(Im sorry if Im getting seens and some things in the film wrong, I haven't seen this movie is such a long time but I remember most to know this movie went from good to bad)That's the seen that gave me the idea this movie may actually be good. But yet a couple seens later, I SWEAR THE MOVIE JUST SWITCHED DIRECTORS AFTER A WHILE AND THE WHOLE MOVIE WENT DOWN HILL SO FAST!!! So I just have to say: Yah! I liked this movie, ONLY THE FIRST FUE HOURS OF IT!!! But if you wana watch this movie, go ahead, If you want a head ach!