Not at all funny! Was really looking forward to something that brought some laughs, but it does not. The writer based this show on his own experiences apparently, but to me, it seems to really miss the point on how serious the subject is.
I’m a huge fan of “ Mom “ although it took a few seasons. The first few I found rather crude, but as the show matured, I felt the writing did as well. The way they wove the seriousness of topics into the plot, really made you think/feel for the characters. It’s almost like you learned something and even if you didn’t, you laughed. A lot.
That cast is amazing and I cant imagine this one even coming close.
The girl drives me crazy. I call her Christy Spears. Put Christy ( Mom ) and Brittney Spears together lol
I don’t find her funny at all. Seems forced. And the subject at hand is far to serious to do nothing but make jokes about, so far. And the opening credits? Rather morbid!
Highly doubt I’ll watch again.