I enjoyed it because I’m easily entertained but, I had a few issues. I don’t know if it was suppose to be funny, quirky, or profound.
Why did the meth heads get off so easy? Some scary people from the city made them do it? Oh ok.
The Fight Club scene was more over the top than anything else. Was it Gangs of New York, or a Jack London story?
When he would say something to somebody that wasn't really all that profound, yet they’d look at him utterly speechless.
Why did he not wash the blood off his face? Towards the end people acted like it was normal. Was this suppose to be a joke, or a metaphor? I donno.
What happened to his wife? Was she kidnapped like the pig? How come he didn’t have an important pig memory on cassette?
At the end he washed his face like this symbolized a change in him, and a new beginning. What caused him to change, what was his new beginning?