This is as emotional as it is true; for the first time, we're witnessing a film that captures with such thoroughness the issues our planet is facing. We've spent many a millennium lacking all concern for the planet, all the while believing we'd have an endless supply of resources - grappling only with our extremely parochial human needs. Loss of habitat does not only affect a specific species but alters the natural cycles of the world that's existed from well before our species came into existence. The show, in particular, delineates so very nicely the scale of damage we have wrought in the name of development, human development at that, in one generation alone; and leaves with a premonition of what to expect in just a single generation from now if we do not act now.
The earth is suffering, and we are its pests eating away whole ecosystems. It may not be for David to witness what's to come, but that doesn't stop him from worrying, a problem that should rightly concern the young.