I got the film if most didn't! I saw the question, why did she leave them behind. She explained why because of the abusive husband / father. Do we know if that is true or not, no! She also stated that she was forced when the second child was born. This is realistic, it's happened before. I've seen and heard about a mother who leaves her first set of children behind, remarries to a wealthy man or different race, and then she puts the past / children behind her. It's happened before and it will continue to happen. The mother was in a panic mode wondering if those were her children who found her. I also saw were someone stated why they didn't protect themselves and the house. I didn't understand why they stood around and didn't do anything. It was more of them. That didn't make sense to me at all. The mom and dad could have grabbed the older son and the two other children, the older daughter. Also why didn't one of the children run back upstairs and contact authorities. I get some but the rest makes no sense at all. I still enjoyed it once I realized what was happening.