Honestly it was a great movie for what it was,it was self aware of the medium it was making a film of yet never felt like it was either too pandering or cynical or even disingenuous about or to it.It was also pretty funny with humor for both those familiar with the subjects in the film and those not.And while several aspects of the film may come off a certain way for some,such as when they brought the content creators in,you could tell A,most of them were trying and wanted to be there,and B,the movie doesn’t force them in too hard,I understand some aspects like these and some of the arguably pretty subtle by these days’ standard product placement may rub the wrong way but I would still say with absolute truth try and watch the film,it’s a great comedy and has a fun and great story with beautiful visuals(I do understand that’s pretty par for the course but still) and writing,so just try it.