Anna K: A Love Story is a brilliant reimagining of Leo Tolstoy's timeless love story, Anna Karenina, narrated by the author Jenny Lee. The story revolves around the lives of filthy rich teenagers, including the protagonist's, where each encounters their own unique experiences with love and insecurities.
Though each of the characters are privileged, and yet you fall in love with all of them (mostly) easily. They leave you entertained throughout with their sense of fashion and undying fondness to party. Though each of the characters are privileged, and yet you fall in love with all of them (mostly) easily. They leave you entertained throughout with their sense of fashion and undying fondness to party.
One this is guaranteed - the story is addictive. And if you are a big fan of Crazy Rich Asians and Gossip Girls, then this novel must be on the top of your reading list!