Obviously there are going to be people who either like or dislike this. And while I have a certain amount of not sure I like where they went in terms of a bleak/dark future. It definitely creates a very different take on Trek, but still grounded in that same Universe we love.
I really like the show overall, and feel that it's about time they went forward in time. Even though I may not care too much for what that future looks like. lol It's exciting to be blazing new trails again!
I was never a big fan of the new "kelvin timeline" movies, just didn't resonate with me nor did I care for the sheer laziness approach. That said I though the Spock casting was done fairly well, probably couldn't have asked for better. Also though Anton was great Chekov, and urban as McCoy was pretty good. But I'm glad to be back in the "Prime" Universe if you will.
Granted it's still too early, 2 episodes left. So anything could happen. But i feel as if some issues were not dealt with quite right, such as Hugh. Even though Picard and he had a moment, both in TNG and in PIcard. To me it would have seemed more fitting to have LaForge interact with him as they formed a friendship. Though I realize this is about Picard.
One underlying feeling I get, due to his sickness, is that he'll likely meet his demise fairly soon. And my first thought was that he'd sacrifice himself for Soji, in the same fashion as Data. That of course was before I heard about a second season. Make me curious how far they can continue, though my hope is that it will spin off a new series set in that era of going forward.