I so really wanted to like it, but it feels very disjointed... let me explain:
The characters are great, they're deep and very human and that's what made me not like it, the potential of these characters is wasted in one offs just to show off the woldbuilding, which is great, but the focus is just not there for the world or for the characters.
The format feels like a "villain of the week" action hero, but the characters are made with the care of your DnD character for a 5 year campaign, even the episodes that are character focused feel this way, the backstories are dramatic and very well written, but 80% of the series are not even trying to explore the characters and instead there are slapstick episodes that could fill the comic relief, but they don't because there's not just one pressing matter or objective they're stirring towards.
I felt like I was watching someone play skyrim and only doing side quests.
One of the themes was "you have friends, you are not alone" so It felt very bad that, at the end, everyone was very egotistical, going their own way without even saying goodbye, Spike was the only one with a real objective and it could have been easy to put every episode connected, but we have all his character arc being obsessed and pushing apart everyone, dying alone in a battle that felt climactinc in action but very flat emotionally "Yeah, man, you deserve it" was my reaction.