I have just completed this game and I feel it does not deserve nearly this much criticism. The gameplay and level design has been expanded upon greatly since the first game, there is so much to explore and take in. While there is flaws to the story I still found it to be enjoyable, which I will explain now. (Spoilers ahead) I am fine with the death of Joel however the way they did it was wrong. In the game Joel dies for the reason of giving out his name too carefree. He gives out his name to a random stranger he just met which to me seems unlike his character. In the last game Joel would have not trusted anybody that easily. Aside from the reasons Joel dies the rest of the game is great except the ending. I feel the ending is a bit lackluster and it left me feeling a bit disappointed. I’m not sure if there will be a Last of Us 3 but I hope if there is that it will do something better with the story than this one. I tried to keep this review with little spoilers and believe the game is still worth purchasing, just don’t expect the same quality in the story as the last game.