In this beautifully crafted film, rural life in Ireland is focussed on this young girl, whose life is challenged in a family that is steeped in poverty in what has many elements of a dysfunctional environment.
Whilst a sadness and indeed an element of hopelessness is cleverly woven throughout this film, there are snippets of Irish humour.
There is a calmness in the quiet girl’s demeanour that envelopes the viewer. There is kindness of the distant relatives who foster her and in a very subtle way, give her warmth and love while at the same time, in the rhythm of rural life, they teach her how to perform domestic and farm chores.
Their quiet dedication and her quiet willingness to participate in these activities,
endears her to the viewer and draws the viewer closer to their sadness.
This is a magnificent portrayal of the banality of life which is subtly etched in the genius of direction, dialogue and the superb cinematography.