Diablo 2 is an amazing game, played it since release and always come back to it periodically.
What's not great is the DRM forcing you to play online and experience the insane lag similar to playing on a 56k modem, but only this time it's not you, it's their servers running on 56k modems now.
The game constantly crashes on pretty good hardware (i9, 580rx, 32gb ram, ssd, great internet) which really should of been ironed out before release. Especially for an almost full priced game that you can play for free without crashes.
The modding community that has kept this game alive, and also which is usually encouraged by many game creators has been completely shut out with the way they chose to create this game being completely online. So they make it pretty obvious they could care less about the community that actually has kept this game going.
Hope you like all the new bugs introduced into the game as well. Your items may vanish, they may roll things back here and there just because they can, the merc AI is worse than before, you cant change resolution on certain screen sizes, you may crash at least 3 times an hour when opening tps, using waypoints or using certain skills.
The game was remade sure, but it wasnt remade by people who ever even played the game more than likely. It was made by suits who intend to invest their money on giving you the poorest experience possible, straight into their pockets.
Game looks nice, ane when you arent crashing, dying because of the insane lag spikes, your items arent vanishing, you can actually make a lobby without having to restart the game. It can be fun. But overall, it's badly polished and I hope modders crack the DRM sooner than later so we can fix their mess up and improve the game.